This time, you have a Cancel link, which is styled using the button cancel classes. 此时,您有一个Cancel链接,是使用buttoncancel类设计的。
The cancel class will cause the link to return to the previous page, similar to the back class. cancel类会使链接返回到之前的页面,类似于back类。
You can always cancel your changes by clicking Close or clicking any other link. 也可以通过单击Close或者单击其他任何链接来取消更改。
Click the refresh button again, and when the message appears, click the cancel link to cancel the postback. 再次单击“刷新”按钮,并在消息出现时单击“取消”链接来取消回发。
Note: If you signed up for it and later decide not to go, please cancel it also at the above link, so organizers will have a more accurate head count. 注:如果报名后有变动,请到上面的连接取消报名,组织者可以有准确的参加人数。
To cancel updating the link and use the previous value obtained from the source worksheet, click cancel. 若要取消对链接的更新,并使用以前从源工作表中获得的值,请单击“取消”。
You can see the "cancel" link next to it, in plain text. 你可以看到“取消”链接在旁边以纯文本格式。
Simulation results show that this scheme cancel ACI of forward link efficiently. 仿真结果表明,此方法能有效消除前向链路的邻小区干扰。
This speed governor not only can solve the reliability of the transformation of power to mechanical displacement, but also can effectively cancel the transmission bar and reduce delivery link. 该调速器不仅较好地解决了电-机位移转换的可靠性问题,同时有效地取消传动杆件和减少传递环节,机构简洁。